Sambu Group Becomes a Pioneer of Kawasan Berikat Mandiri in Remote Areas

Sambu Group Jadi Pionir Kawasan Berikat Mandiri di Remote Area

Bea Cukai Tembilahan issue the determination of Kawasan Berikat Mandiri to PT Pulau Sambu di Guntung (PSG) and PTRiau Sakti United Plantations (RSUP). In August, 14th 2019, the handover was carried out by the Head of the Tembilahan Customs Office, Anton Martin, to the Kawasan Berikat Mandiri (KB) Sambu Group, Sofyan.Kawasan Berikat Mandiri facility is a pioneer in remote area Indonesia which is expected to create momentum for economic growth, especially outside Java. This effort is also an investment to increase and utilize regional potential that can be developed through various policies by central government and local governments.



Sambu Group

Jalan Rawa Bebek No.26
Gedong Panjang, Jakarta Utara
[email protected]
021 6603926, 6604026
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